Database of cinema, music, history and literature

king solomon's mines (1937)

Original title: king solomon's mines
Production: UK|77 min| black and white
Action, Thriller, Dramatic
Poster of movie king solomon's mines
white hunter allan quartermain and his enigmatic guide help a young irish woman locate her missing father in unexplored darkest africa.
The same story is the basis of the movies:

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Charles Bennettsceneggiatore
Roland PertweeRoland Pertweesceneggiatore
Michael HoganMichael Hogansceneggiatore
Ralph Spencesceneggiatore
A.r. Rawlinsonsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

commerciante di diamanti
Paul RobesonPaul Robeson(età:39)
allan quartermain
commodoro john good
Roland YoungRoland Young(età:50)
kathleen 'kathy' o'brien
Anna LeeAnna Lee(età:24)
sir henry curtis
John LoderJohn Loder(età:39)
patrick 'patsy' o'brien
sylvestra getto

Technical staff

Michael GordonMichael Gordonmontatore
Alfred JungeAlfred Jungescenografo
Louis Levymusiche
Cyril J. knowlesdirettore della fotografia
A. Jungescenografo
Glen MacWilliamsdirettore della fotografia